
Clarus Group assisting SSWDB procurement

Clarus Group is assisting the MassHire South Shore Workforce Development Board with its procurement to contract with an organization that has appropriate capacity and expertise to serve as the One-Stop Career Center Operator for the MassHire South Shore Career Center...

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Dan Ahern speaks on contract management

Dan Ahern was the featured speaker at the April 2018 meeting of the Massachusetts Association of Public Purchasing Officials (MAPPO). His topic was “Contract Management: Selected Issues and Best Practices.” Dan provided an overview of contract management, including...

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Pamela Bloomfield speaks on public-private partnerships

Pamela Bloomfield was the speaker at the June meeting of the Massachusetts Association of Public Purchasing Officials (MAPPO). Her topic was "Public-Private Partnerships: Promises and Perils." The principal takeaways from her presentation were that long-term...

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